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There are a lot of issues that are affecting our beloved school district right now. I will work tirelessly to improve Chippewa Valley Public Schools, and bring normalcy back to education.



  • All students are provided quality education.
  • Get back to the basics of Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Life Skills, Physical Fitness, with age and topic appropriate content.
  • Median Proficiency Rates for 2022/2023 school years: Elementary Schools: 41.5%; Middle Schools: 40.5%; High Schools: 29.3%.  Total: 37% (
  • Strive towards achieving higher proficiency rates by getting back to the basics of education. 
  • No political agenda and allow parents to opt in/out.
  • Work with staff to help develop inspiring curriculum that creates respect for all and a love of our nation.
  • Preparation for after graduation – this includes college preparation, trade school, and skills needed for small business start up and ownership.


  • No more secret curricula. As a school board member, I will seek that parents know what is being taught to or shared with their children in the classroom, with easy access – directly on school websites – to materials and activities used to train staff and teachers and to instruct children.
  • District school funds.
  • Work towards correcting underfunded classrooms, when average per pupil funding is $17,560.44. (
  • Readily available and easily accessible information without the need of a FOIA request.
  • Public participation and discussion on topics such as budgets, curriculum, and other important issues.
  • Work to improve communication on incidents, events, and happenings within the district.

Parental Choice & Involvement

  • Parents should be involved and included in their child's education and issues that pertain to school, because no one knows the children better than the parents. Public schools are institutions created by “We The People” and should be responsible to the input of parents.
  • Parents should never be ignored nor have their concerns go unheard or unaddressed.
  • Parents are the sole decision makers for the path of their child’s education and health matters.
  • It is a scientific fact that when parents are involved with their children’s learning, their academic achievement, attendance, behavior, social functioning and their mental health improves.
  • Our education system and public health sectors have created a Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model for schools, which includes improving each child’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development. Our schools and government should not be given this much control over our children. We the parents are responsible for molding our children’s moral compasses, not the school. Again, the schools job is to provide knowledge and skill, not the psychological development.
  • Work on creating an opt in program versus opting out on controversial subjects.

Safety & Security

  • Our children should be safe in the buildings.  Regular security training for all staff & students and enhancements to building security systems/cameras.
  • Child accountability.
  • Bullying - review or create a no bullying policy and adhere to it. 

Lack of Teacher Support

  • Survey administrators, teachers, counselors, and support staff to determine professional development needs & provide tailored/personalized training.
  • Support our teachers in their opinions and suggestions without fear of negative repercussions by administrators/leadership.
  • Work to properly fund classrooms.
  • Work to reduce class sizes to ease stress on teachers.
  • Discontinue the use of "learning pods" and work to provide a safe, secure, inspiring, engaging and effective classroom for all teachers and students.

Paid for By Committee to Elect Lew Miles
19441 Norway Pine Dr.
Macomb, Michigan 48044
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